
Environmental Studies

Forestry and wood use projects for climate change mitigation
Construction with wood is lighter, less energy consuming and often cheaper than with steel
Using wood (here: LVL = laminated veneer lumber from sustainable forest management) instead of steel for construction reduces energy consumption and by this CO2-emssions.
Due to rising steel prices it is also becoming more and more economical!

In 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its latest report in three parts.

Forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle.

Forestry projects even outside the forests offer a variety of toeholds for climate change mitigation … with a lot of positive ecological and socio-economic side-effects!

It is not only carbon storage but also reduction of energy consumption.

Afforestation and reforestation is a precondition for an increased use of wood which itsself can be an important means to reduce CO2-emssions. See recent publication of Dr. Ernst Kürsten "How forest industries may contribute to environmental protection" (WoodNews 17 (6), Mar - Apr 2008, pp. 8-15)

Summary: Many life cycle analysis in the US, Germany and elsewhere have shown that products from wood are often the better choice with regard to environmental protection as compared to those made from other raw material. The same is true for many non timber forest products. Planting and sustainable management of forests and agroforestry systems is a basic precondition to achieve these environmental benefits and should be one important part of India´s approach for sustainable development. (download full text as PDF)

Up to now forestry projects play a very small role in the scope of registered CDM-projects.
But they are more important on the voluntary carbon market …
… and they may gain more official recognition in the future (e.g. avoided deforestation projects).

Sustainable forest management in a close-to-nature beech stand

Sustainable production of timber is possible not only in plantations or by selective fellings in natural forests but also in close-to-nature silvicultural system like this beech stand (Fagus sylvatica) in Northern Germany (Deister). In Germany there are more than 200 years of experience with this kind of sustainable forest management. (See: Forestry in Germany)

Clonal eucalyptus plantation in Punjab

Clonal plantations belonging to farmers (like in Punjab) can provide excellent raw material for veneer making and even some space for crops or medical plants beteween the tree rows: from an ecological point of view a much better choice than an ore mine.


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